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Command Line Arugments Overview

Command Line Arguments

So far, all of our programs have begun pretty much the same way:

    int main(void)

Since we've been collecting user input through in-program prompts, we haven't needed to modify this declaration of main.

If we want the user to provide data to our program before the program starts running, we need a new form.

To collect so called command-line arguments from the user, declare main as:

    int main(int argc, string argv[]) // the first parameter (argument/input) is an integer argc and the second is an array of strings.

These two special arguments enable you to know what data the user provided at the command line and how much data they provided.

argc(argument count)

  • This integer-type variable will store the number of command-line arguments the user typed when the program was executed.
command argc
./greedy 1
./greedy 1024 cs50 3
  • (greedy is the name of the program in the above example)

argv (argument vector)

  • This array of strings stores, one string per element, the actual text the user typed at the command-line when the program was executed.

  • The first element of argv is always found at argv[0] (first index of the argv array). The last element of argv is always found at argv[argc-1] (this is because the number of elements that exist in the array are argc number of elements).

Let's assume the user executes the greedy program as follows:

./greedy 1024 cs50

argv indices argv contents
argv[0] "./greedy"
argv[1] "1024" (stored as a string NOT an integer)
argv[2] "cs50"
argv[3] ??? (often leads to segmentation fault)