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SQL Joins and Other Query Types

Multi-Table queries with JOINs

Up to now, we've been working with a single table, but entity data in the real world is often broken down into pieces and stored across multiple orthogonal tables using a process known as normalization.

Database Normalization

Tables that share information about a single entity need to have a primary key that identifies that entity uniquely across the database. One common primary key type is an auto-incrementing integer (because they are space efficient), but it can also be a string, hashed value, so long as it is unique.

Using the JOIN clause in a query, we can combine row data across two separate tables using this unique key. The first of the joins that we will introduce is the INNER JOIN.

SELECT column, another_table_column, ...
FROM mytable
INNER JOIN another_table
    ON =
WHERE condition(s)
ORDER BY column, ... ASC/DESC
LIMIT num_limit OFFSET num_offset;

The INNER JOIN is a process that matches rows from the first table and the second table which have the same key (as defined by the ON constraint) to create a result row with the combined columns from both tables. After the tables are joined, the other clauses we learned previously are then applied.


You may see queries where the INNER JOIN is written simply as a JOIN. These two are equivalent, but we will continue to refer to these joins as inner-joins because they make the query easier to read once you start using other types of joins.

Let's do some exercises where we look at multiple tables. We will use the Movies.csv file from previous examples and a new Boxoffice.csv file with additional movie information.

  1. Find the domestic and international sales for each movie:
SELECT title, domestic_sales, international_sales
FROM movies
    JOIN boxoffice
        ON = boxoffice.movie_id;
  1. Show the sales numbers for each movie that did better internationally rather than domestically:
SELECT title, domestic_sales, international_sales
FROM movies
    JOIN boxoffice
        ON = boxoffice.movie_id
WHERE international_sales > domestic_sales;
  1. List all the movies by their ratings in descending order:
SELECT title, rating
FROM movies
    JOIN boxoffice
        on = boxoffice.movie_id

Outer Joins

Depending on how you want to analyze the data, the INNER JOIN might not be sufficient because the resulting table only contains data that belongs in both of the tables.

If the two tables have asymmetric data, which can easily happen when data is entered in different stages, then we would have to use a LEFT JOIN, RIGHT JOIN, or FULL JOIN instead to ensure that the data you need is not left out of the results.

SELECT column, another_column, ...
FROM mytable
    ON = another_table.matching_id
WHERE condition(s)
ORDER BY column, ... ASC/DESC
LIMIT num_limit OFFSET num_offset;

Like the INNER JOIN these three new joins have to specify which column to join the data on.

When joining table A to table B, a LEFT JOIN simply includes rows from A regardless of whether a matching row is found in B. the RIGHT JOIN is the same, but reversed, keeping rows in B regardless of whether a match is found in A. Finally, a FULL JOIN simply means that rows from both tables are kept, regardless of whether a matching row exists in the other table.

When using any of these new joins, you will likely have to write additional logic to deal with NULLs in the result and constraints.


You might see queries with these joins written as LEFT OUTER JOIN, RIGHT OUTER JOIN, or FULL OUTER JOIN, but the OUTER keyword is really kept for SQL-92 compatibility and these queries are simply equivalent to LEFT JOIN, RIGHT JOIN, and FULL JOIN respectively.

For the following exercises we will be using new tables. We will use a table which stores fictional data about Employees in the film studio and their assigned office Buildings. Some of the buildings are new, so they don't have any employees in them yet, but we need to find some information about them regardless.

  1. Find the list of all buildings that have employees:
SELECT DISTINCT building FROM employees;
  1. Find the list of all buildings and their capacity:
SELECT building_name, capacity FROM buildings;
  1. List all buildings and the distinct employee roles in each building (including empty buildings):
SELECT DISTINCT building_name, role
FROM buildings
    LEFT JOIN employees
        on building_name = building;

A short note on NULLs

It's always good to reduce the possibility of NULL values in databases because they require special attention when constructing queries, constraints (certain functions behave differently with null values) and when processing the results.

An alternative to NULL values in your database is to have data-type appropriate default values, like 0 for numerical data, empty strings for text data, etc. But if your database needs to store incomplete data, then NULL values can be appropriate if the default values will skew later analysics (for example, when taking averages of numerical data).

Sometimes, it's also not possible to avoid NULL values, as we saw in the last lesson when outer-joining two tables with asymmetric data. In these cases, you can test a column for NULL values in a WHERE clause by using either the IS NULL or IS NOT NULL constraint.

SELECT column, another_column, ...
FROM mytable
AND/OR another_condition
AND/OR ...;

For the following exercises, we will be using the same Employees and Buildings tables from the last exercises.

  1. Find the name and role of all employees who have not been assigned to a building:
SELECT name, role
FROM employees
WHERE building IS NULL;
  1. Find the names of the buildings that hold no employees:
SELECT DISTINCT building_name
FROM buildings
    LEFT JOIN employees
        ON building_name = building

Queries with Expressions

In addition to querying and referencing raw column data with SQL, you can also use expressions to write more complex logic on column calues in a query. These expressions can use mathematical and string functions along with basic arithmetic to transform values when the query is executed, as shown in this physics example:

SELECT particle_speed / 2.0 AS half_particle_speed
FROM physics_data
WHERE ABS(particle_position) * 10.0 > 500;

Each database has its own supported set of mathematical, string, and date functions that can be used in a query, which you can find in their own respective docs.

The use of expressions can save time and extra post-processing of the result data, but can also make the query harder to read, so we recommend that when expressions are used in the SELECT part of the query, that they are also given a descriptive alias using the AS keyword.

SELECT col_expression AS expr_description, ...
FROM mytable;

In addition to expressions, regular columns and even tables can also have aliases to make them easier to reference in the output and as a part of simplifying more complex queries.

SELECT column AS better_column_name, ...
FROM a_long_widgets_table_name AS mywidgets
INNER JOIN widget_sales
    ON = widgets_sales.widget_id;

We are now going to use expressions to transform the BoxOffice data into something easier to understand for the tasks below. We will use the Movies.csv and Boxoffice.csv files for the following exercise:

  1. List all movies and their combines sales in millions of dollars:
SELECT title, (domestic_sales + international_sales) / 1000000 AS gross_sales_millions
FROM movies
    JOIN boxoffice
    ON = boxoffice.movie_id;
  1. List all movies and their ratings in percent:
SELECT title, rating * 10 AS rating_percent
FROM movies
    JOIN boxoffice
        ON = boxoffice.movie_id;
  1. List all movies that we released on even number years
SELECT title, year
FROM movies
WHERE year % 2 = 0;
Odd Vs. Even

Remember that to determine if a SQL value is even or odd, we use the module operator (%), which returns the remainder after division of its operands. Since the remainder of an even number divided by 2 is always 0, and the remainder of an odd number divided by 2 is always 1 - this makes modulo an easy way to find even/odd numbers.

Queries with Aggregates

In addition to the simple expressions from above, SQL also supports the use of aggregate expressions (or functions) that allow you to summarize information about a group of rows of data. With the Pixar database we have been using, aggregate functions can be used to answer questions like, "How many movies has Pixar produced?", or "What is the highest grossing Pixar film each year?".

SELECT AGG_FUNC(column_or_expression) AS aggregate_description, ...
FROM mytable
WHERE constraint_expression;

Without a specified grouping, each aggregate function is going to run on the whole set of result rows and return a single value. And like normal expressionsm giving your aggregate functions an alias ensures that the results will be easier to read and process.

Common Aggregate Functions

Below are some common aggregate functions that we will be using in fututre exercises:

Function Description
COUNT(*) COUNT(column) A common function used to count the number of rows in the group is no column name is specified. Otherwise, count the number of rows in the group with non-NULL values in the specified column.
MIN(column) Finds the smallest numerical value in the specified column for all rows in the group.
MAX(column) Finds the largest numerical value in the specified column for all rows in the group.
AVG(column) Finds the average numerical value in the specified column for all rows in the group.
SUM(column) Finds the sum of all numerical values in the specified column for the rows in the group.
Docs: MySQL, Postgres, SQLite